Payment methods accepted by Pelipost

What payment methods does Pelipost accept?

Accepted Payment Methods

We accept these payment methods in the Pelipost app and at Greetings by Pelipost:

Credit and Debit Cards: Your card must be a regular credit or debit card connected to your bank account.

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover


You can pay using your PayPal account. Make sure your PayPal account is active and has a payment method connected to it.


Payment Methods We Do Not Accept

We cannot accept these types of payments:

  • Gift cards of any kind
  • Prepaid cards
  • CashApp cards
  • Prepaid Visa or Mastercard cards that you buy in stores

Why Was My Payment Declined?

Your payment might be declined if:

  1. You are trying to use a payment type we do not accept
  2. Your card has expired
  3. You entered incorrect card information
  4. Your card has insufficient funds
  5. Your bank has blocked the transaction

Need Help?

If you are having trouble with your payment:

  • Double check that you entered your card information correctly
  • Make sure you are using an accepted payment method
  • Contact your bank if your card is being declined

Still have questions about payment types? Our Customer Support Team is here to help! Click here to contact us.

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